Ace the Zurich Naturalisation Knowledge test with flashcards

A set of 333 Anki flashcards to help you prepare to pass the Canton of Zurich basic knowledge test for naturalisation

333 Questions

All of the questions in the Zürich grundkenntnistest are included; covering the required geography, politics, and history topics.

2 Languages

The quiz questions are available in German and English. Note; the actual test will be in German. English cards are provided for convenience and curiosity - maybe you want to learn about the Swiss way of life earlier in your German language learning journey.

Totally accurate

You won't waste any time learning unessential questions - these are exactly what will appear on the test! The Canton of Zürich publish the real test questions on their website in PDF format. I have converted them to CSV, imported to Anki, checked media, and slightly reformatted some answers.

How it works

  • Buy & download the flashcards

  • Download and install Anki - a free open source flashcard application

  • Import the flashcards to Anki by double clicking on the .apkg files

  • Start practicing for the test!


"These flashcards are awesome. They have helped me efficiently prepare for the naturalisation test and I am confident I have remembered all of the key topics! Thanks!"M. Smith

"I was worried about remembering all of the historical dates in the test, but I found using the flashcards with Anki really helpful for learning. This helped me revise!D. Santos

Frequently Asked Questions

Who needs to take the Basic Knowledge Test?

You can find more information about who needs to take the Basic Knowledge Test on the Canton Zurich migration website.

What is Anki?

Anki is a free and open-source flashcard program. It uses techniques from cognitive science such as active recall testing and spaced repetition to aid the user in memorization. You can download and learn more about Anki here.

Can I see the included questions?

Yes of course, Canton Zurich publish all of the included questions on their website here. We have made this information easier to use and learn by turning it into a set of flashcards and translating the content into several languages. It is important to remember the test will be in German.

Can I share the files once I have purchased them?

When you purchase the license, you are buying access to the flashcards for yourself and your own non commercial use. You should not redistribute the files to anyone else. If you wish to purchase a group license please contact us.

Contact us

Have any further questions? Send us an email and we will be happy to answer your query.